52 research outputs found

    Modelling an End to End Supply Chain system Using Simulation

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    Within the current uncertain environment industries are predominantly faced with various challenges resulting in greater need for skilled management and adequate technique as well as tools to manage Supply Chains (SC) efficiently. Derived from this observation is the need to develop a generic/reusable modelling framework that would allow firms to analyse their operational performance over time (Mackulak and Lawrence 1998, Beamon and Chen 2001, Petrovic 2001, Lau et al. 2008, Khilwani et al. 2011, Cigollini et al. 2014). However for this to be effectively managed the simulation modelling efforts should be directed towards identifying the scope of the SC and the key processes performed between players. Purpose: The research attempts to analyse trends in the field of supply chain modelling using simulation and provide directions for future research by reviewing existing Operations Research/Operations Management (OR/OM) literature. Structural and operational complexities as well as different business processes within various industries are often limiting factors during modelling efforts. Successively, this calls for the end to end (E2E) SC modelling framework where the generic processes, related policies and techniques could be captured and supported by the powerful capabilities of simulation. Research Approach: Following Mitroff’s (1974) scientific inquiry model and Sargent (2011) this research will adopt simulation methodology and focus on systematic literature review in order to establish generic OR processes and differentiate them from those which are specific to certain industries. The aim of the research is provide a clear and informed overview of the existing literature in the area of supply chain simulation. Therefore through a profound examination of the selected studies a conceptual model will be design based on the selection of the most commonly used SC Processes and simulation techniques used within those processes. The description of individual elements that make up SC processes (Hermann and Pundoor 2006) will be defined using building blocks, which are also known as Process Categories. Findings and Originality: This paper presents an E2E SC simulation conceptual model realised through means of systematic literature review. Practitioners have adopted the term E2E SC while this is not extensively featured within academic literature. The existing SC studies lack generality in regards to capturing the entire SC within one methodological framework, which this study aims to address. Research Impact: A systematic review of the supply chain and simulation literature takes an integrated and holistic assessment of an E2E SC, from market-demand scenarios through order management and planning processes, and on to manufacturing and physical distribution. Thus by providing significant advances in understanding of the theory, methods used and applicability of supply chain simulation, this paper will further develop a body of knowledge within this subject area. Practical Impact: The paper will empower practitioners’ knowledge and understanding of the supply chain processes characteristics that can be modelled using simulation. Moreover it will facilitate a selection of specific data required for the simulation in accordance to the individual needs of the industry

    Clusters and supply chain management: challenges and obstacles

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    Purpose: This paper provides an insight into cluster supply chain (CSC) management by identifying challenges and obstacles in the design, implementation and improvement of CSC. This evaluation aims to propose future research directions for the management of CSC. Research Approach: A systematic review of published research on CSC management between 2006 and 2013 is conducted in order to round up previous research in this area and identify the gaps in the design, implementation and management of CSC; up on which the paper closes with a proposed agenda for future work. Findings and Originality: There is a limited understanding of the supply chain cluster concept and the implementation of its practices in addition to the lack of studies that focused on how to model, manage and improve the performance of CSC. Therefore, this paper would contribute to knowledge by providing an insight into CSC management and identifying future research directions for developing SC cluster theories in order to maximize the integration of supply chain and accordingly improving the performance of firms. Research Impact: A limited number of studies have been conducted to demonstrate the potential impact of CSC. The previous research did not provide a comprehensive review focusing on the evolution and the development of CSC idea. The review in this paper will summarise the research up to now in CSC area in order to identify challenges and obstacles in the design, implementation and improvement of CSC and propose future research directions. Practical Impact: This paper helps companies to understand benefits that can be raised from creating CSC and gives them directions for improving their capabilities to create CSC and select SC partners, which consequently help in increasing their competitiveness in terms of enhancing performance and increasing sustainability

    An evaluation of Nigerian ports post-concession performance

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    Purpose: The quest for efficiency is claimed to be the major objective of port privatisation and this has led many ports in Africa to undertake port reforms. Based on this, Nigerian ports were concessioned and operations were handed over in one scoop to private operators between 2006 and 2007. This paper is looking to investigate in the reform that took place in a very short period of time improved the performance of Nigerian ports. This paper is also looking to provide a model for future evaluation. Research Approach: A window based DEA model with panel data will be employed to measure pre- and post concession Nigerian ports' performance to determine efficiency gains from port reform. Secondly, to demonstrate how concession influence efficiency, a DEA based Malmquist productivity Insex will be used to determine the sources of (in)efficiency by decomposing the efficiency into frontier shift effects and catch-up effects. Findings and Originality: The results revealed that none of the ports is hundred percent efficient before and after concession but rather a tremendous increase in throughput and ship traffic after the reform in most of the ports. Apapa port is the most efficient while Calabar and Warri are inefficient although there were fluctuations in efficiency in all the ports. The research is inconclusive because it is still ongoing Although some studies have investigated the relationship between port efficiency and privatisation however several gaps still exist as the studies are skewed in favour of container ports in the developed world, mainly in Europe. Therefore, the need arises to critically look at the overall efficiency of national port system to enhance the efficiency of global transport chain. Research Impact: The study will contribute to existing literature on port performance being the first to evaluate the post concession performance of a major maritime player in Sub-Saharan Africa. It will contribute to the never- ending debate by the Academia on the effect of ownership or privatisation on efficiency from the perspective of port institutional reforms in the third world countries Practical Impact: It will benefit the Federal Government of Nigeria as a reference document of the first five years of the port reform policy and help the Government to intervene in areas of observed inefficiencies and make adjustments where possible. On the part of the "Landlord" NPA it will help them in the performing their regulatory role by identifying the operators who are making inefficient use of the resources allocated to them and provide the basis for future evaluation. Finally, it will give the various stake holders in the Maritime Industry a full grasp of the effect of concession in a Nation's port as Nigeria is the first country in the world to hand over terminal operations in all her ports in one scoop

    A preliminary examination of the deployment of lean and reverse logistics within the pharmaceutical supply chain (PSC) UK

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    Drug treatment is the most common form of healthcare intervention and represents the highest non-staff revenue cost in the UK National Health Service (NHS).The annual drugs bill in the UK equates to just about 10% of NHS expenditure (McKee, 2012). Demand for NHS healthcare is effectively infinite (Lodge and Bamford, 2008); there are constant efforts to increase capacity and operational budgets are constrained. One area where hospital pharmacies are looking for cost saving and better services is through improving their Supply Chain Management (SCM) (AT Kearney, 2009). However, they have not only to manage the forward components of the logistics process to minimise waste and maximise patient wellbeing, but to manage the reverse components as well (Jamali et al., 2010). Success in this area can be realised through the application of a Lean Philosophy which focuses on eliminating waste by defining value (Brandao, 2009)

    Supply chain challenges for sustainability: the case of waste textiles as raw materials

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    Purpose: This paper addresses the growing problem of textile waste in the rapidly developing cities of subSaharan Africa and examines, from a supply chain perspective, the potential for waste textile materials to be transformed into the raw materials for new consumer products. Research Approach: The paper reflects on the outcomes of a field trip to Dar es Salaam in which stakeholders in a hypothesised textile waste supply chain were interviewed and waste textile materials were analysed in order to determine their content and appropriateness for reuse. Findings from the field study have been compared with current literature on logistics and market creation, waste generation, management and recycling in sub-Saharan Africa. Findings and Originality: The findings show that a rudimentary system has been in place for many years to collect and recycle textiles in Dar es Salaam. However, at the same time as textile waste is projected to increase in the city, collection rates are falling. The chief reasons for the falling rates are failures in the ‘modernised mixture’ approach to waste collection employed by Dar es Salaam City Council and market failure for the collected materials. Alternative combinations of ‘modernised mixtures’, incorporating community-based organisations, are likely to increase textile yields from unplanned urban areas but previous high-profile failures in such systems within Dar es Salaam mean there is caution on both sides in entering into such a relationship. The more pressing problem is to identify appropriate end markets for the textile materials, since in a country where recycling is entirely market-driven, failure to do so will undermine any attempt to improve the collection system. Whilst many studies have considered general recycling practices in sub-Saharan Africa, there are few investigations into textile waste. Furthermore, those existing studies do not consider the importance of understanding fibre composition of the materials in order to determine the most appropriate end markets. Research Impact: The research contributes to the growing body of knowledge on ‘bottom of the pyramid’ approaches to sustainable futures. Practical Impact: The work presented considers supply chain problems and offers approaches to tackling the increasing waste management issues of Dar es Salaam and proposes a mechanism for doing so which has the potential to provide income for the poorest sectors of the urban society

    The Impact of Supply Chain Characteristics on the Adoption of Innovation

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    Healthcare organisations have important roles in society in terms of safeguarding and promoting public health. Considering the healthcare organisations’ crucial role and the fact that they face the challenge of minimising the cost of healthcare services while enhancing service quality, healthcare organisations tend to adopt various improvement approaches and innovative interventions to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. This research evaluates the implementation of innovative programmes within Pharmaceutical Supply Chains (PSC). It aims to assess the current medicine delivery process and identify the factors that affect the perceived innovation level within the PSC in two diverse European contexts

    Productivity change in Nigerian seaports after reform: a Malmquist productivity index decomposition approach

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    During the 1990s, Nigerian seaports were considered inefficient, unsafe due to massive cargo theft (wharf rat phenomenon) and one of the most expensive port systems in the world. This resulted in long turnaround times for ships and increased container dwell times. As a result, port operations were transferred to the private sector through concession contracts. This paper employs a Malmquist productivity index (MPI) technique to benchmark pre-and post-reform total factor productivity growth of the six major Nigeria seaports (Apapa, Calabar, Onne, Port Harcourt, TinCan Island and Warri) for the period 2000–2011 which represents six years before (2000–2005) and six years after (2006–2011) the reform. The results indicate progress in technical efficiency of the ports after reform but deterioration in technological progress. Overall productivity growth was higher in the pre-concession period compared to the post-concession period. The source of pre-concession period productivity growth was technological progress while the change in productivity of the post-concession period is generated by an increase in scale efficiency. This suggests that concessionaires have not brought in the much anticipated investment in modern technology to drive port efficiency. The ports of Calabar and Apapa experienced the highest productivity growth while lowest result was Onne

    Teaching and assessing supply chain modelling modules in higher education

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    Teaching and assessing mathematical based modules represent a real challenge not only for lecturers but also for students. This research evaluates a selection of current teaching and assessment methods used in different modules taught in higher education within a logistics and supply chain management environment. This investigation aims to provide a framework that stresses continuous improvements in teaching and assessing logistics and supply chain modelling modules in higher education programmes. The conclusion summarises the key finding of this research and at the same time highlights key steps required for further researc